2 June 2017

Hesbjerg Peace Prize Award during Pentecost

This Sunday June 4th, the Hesbjerg Fund's peace award is awarded for the second time. Anders Gadegaard, Copenhagen’s Dean of Cathedral (Domprovst) receives it for his extraordinary work for dialogue among religions. The prize was created in 2015 to honor the work of theologian Jørgen Laursen Vig exactly to create coexistence among religions. The Hesbjerg Fund owns the impressive Hesbjerg Castle and runs a library, refugium and peace research college. This – together with a neighbouring ecological village – continues the visions of Jørgen Laursen Vig, a pioneer of Danish peace research.

Sunday at 4PM, Anders Gadegaard will give a lecture on ‘the necessary dialogue among religions’ (in Danish) – and throughout the weekend of Pentecost (Saturday to Monday), the castle and the village are home to a number of talks and art exhibitions. Hesbjerg Slot is located on Hesbjergvej 50, 5491 Blommenslyston Fyn, approximately 20 minutes’ drive from Odense. In 2015, CRIC’s director professor Ole Wæver was the first recipient of the peace research award.