1 June 2019

Book Launch: Resolving International Conflict

Come along on the 21st of June, at 14:30-16:00 when CRIC launches their newest book Resolving International Confict: Dynamics of Escalation, Continuation and Transformation, edited by Isabel Bramsen, Poul Poder and Ole Wæver.

The editors will give an introduction to the volume that offers a new framework for understanding conflict as a particular form of situation, interaction and tension. It shows how conflicts are shaped by varied dynamics relating to emotion, securitization, incentives, digital technology and violence; even attempts at monitoring, resolving or remembering conflicts may end up contributing to their escalation or continuation.

The book features several case studies of conflict escalation and continuation around the world.
Four of the book's contributors will join us on the 21st for the launch to talk about their chapters:
- Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen from University of Copenhagen will present his chapter on the role of the Ulema in the Syrian conflict
- Sara Dybris McQuaid from Århus University will present her chapter on Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland
- Joshka Wessels from Malmö University will present her chapter on the role of grassroot videos in the Syrian Conflict
- Bjørn Møller from from Aalborg University will present his chapter on the role of third parties in the conflict in Sudan

The book launch will be followed by a light refreshment.